CrisisInSight Weekly Picks, 24 August 2023

CrisisInSight Weekly Picks, 24 August 2023

CrisisInSight Weekly Picks, 24 August 2023

Jul 18, 2023

CAR + 4 more


Since April 2023, armed clashes linked to intercommunal tensions in Logone Oriental and Mandoul regions in Chad have internally displaced around 26,000 people, while more than 37,000 have sought refuge in northwestern Central African Republic. More than 31,000 Chadian refugees and over 5,600 Central African returnees are with host families with limited resources, mostly in Lim-Pendé but also in Ouham prefecture. In Lim-Pendé prefecture, humanitarian needs had increased by 34% between 2022–2023 even before the arrival of the newly displaced people. Access to WASH and health services is becoming increasingly difficult given the significant increase in population in the host areas. Most urgent needs also include education, healthcare, and NFIs. The prices of certain food and non-food items have risen by up to 50% because of the disruption of commercial activities resulting from recurrent armed activity in the area bordering Chad. (OCHA accessed 22/08/2023, UN 12/06/2023, OCHA 19/06/2023)

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Since the February 2021 coup, protection threats to civilians, including displacement, arbitrary arrests, and detentions, as well as the use of landmines, have increased alongside the killing and maiming of civilians and their use as human shields. The presence of landmines and explosive remnants of war have displaced around 1.6 million people, killed 290 civilians, and injured around 920. More than 130 cases of the military forcing civilians to act as human shields have been reported. Access constraints, including escalated military operations, bureaucratic hurdles (such as the denial of travel authorisations), the refusal of passage through military checkpoints, and the forced rescheduling or delay of the activities of aid organisations throughout the country hinder the delivery of humanitarian assistance to the affected people. (OCHA 15/07/2023, ACLED accessed 23/08/2023, UNICEF 10/08/2023)

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Panama recorded nearly 252,000 migrants crossing the Darién jungle between January–July 2023, exceeding the record high for the entire 2022. July 2023 marked the second-highest monthly crossing in history, with nearly 14,000 women and around 12,500 children and adolescents crossing the jungle. This figure is also the highest monthly migration recorded for these groups. Most of the migrants are malnourished and poorly equipped at the beginning of their journeys, making minor illnesses life-threatening in the treacherous jungle environment. The migrants are also vulnerable to attacks by armed groups and bandits, increasing the risk of injuries, deaths, and rape or sexual assault. The migrants need drinking water and food, shelter, essential items such as mosquito nets, blankets, and solar lamps, hygiene kits and adequate sanitation services, healthcare services, spaces for self-care for women and adolescent girls, and psychosocial support and child protection through child-friendly spaces for children. (WOLA 18/08/2023, ACAPS 19/04/2023, UNICEF 03/08/2023)

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